Grimm Fairy Tales Wiki

Grimm Fairy Tales has a huge cast and it's not going to get any smaller. This is the who's who of the Grimm Universe.

Main Characters[]

These are characters who appear in at least twenty-five issues or five different volumes with a major role (if they are from another part of the Grimm Universe and are there as a representative from their respective piece of the Grimm Universe, volumes that are part of crossover events do not count for the volume count, but the issues within them do count for the issue count). They are major characters who play major roles in the Grimm Universe as a whole and not in just a couple of storylines. Only the first volume they appear in is listed.

Storyline Characters[]

These are characters who both appear in more than one issue and in at least one of the issues that are in, they are a major part of the storyline. They will be listed alphabetically.

One Issue Wonders[]

These are characters that only appear in one issue, but they are a major part of that one issue. They will be listed alphabetically.

Killer Crossover[]

These are characters that normally appear in another part of the Grimm Universe to the point where they are definitely identifiable as being part of that other part, but they are a major part of at least one Grimm Fairy Tales issue or cross paths with the main Grimm universe through a crossover event. When a Grimm Fairy Tales character crossover with another part of the Grimm Universe, only characters who appear in other issues (that don't include Grimm Fairy Tales characters) go here. They will be listed alphabetically and only the first volume they appear in will be listed no matter how many issues they appear in.

Real People[]

These are real people who are seen as characters in the Grimm Universe. Usually, these are cameos, but that doesn't mean they can't play a bigger role. They will be listed alphabetically and only the first volume they appear in will be listed no matter how many issues they appear in.

Recurring Background[]

These are characters or groups of characters who appear in multiple issues, but they don’t say much or anything since they aren’t a major character in the storyline. They will be listed alphabetically.

They Only Appeared Once[]

These are the characters or groups of characters who appear in only one issue, but are not a major part of the storyline. Many of them say very little or nothing at all. They will be listed alphabetically.

All items (493)
